Through the Mamulengos Theater, the company tells the story of Rosinha who decides to confront her father and not marry her chosen husband she doesn't even know. In this work inspired by classics from the Popular Northeastern Theater, like THE CANINE SNAKE, THE HALLUCINATED WIDOW and THE POT BREAKER, we rescue the traditions of Festas Juninas to live this adventure of our protagonist.
Direction and Dramaturgy: Rodrigo Andrade
Actors: Ana Paula Trevisan, Rossana Boccia, Zenaide Paludo and Cristiano Barcelar
Art direction: Rodrigo Andrade
Making of Scenery and Props: Daniel Gaspar
Doll Making: Pigeon Tonho Masters, Valdeck de Garanhuns and Augusto Barreto
Soundtrack: Philipe Antunes and Mestre Valdeck de Garanhuns
Costumes: Smell Puppets
puppet costumes: Regina Drozina
Widow Costume: Smell Puppets
Production: UM OITO Artistic Productions